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The HUG Haven is a non profit organization conceived in Detroit, MI by wellness facilitator (Chelsea Walker). In the spring of 2022 she came face to face with the heaviest loss of three endeared loved ones; her grandmother, her godson and lifelong bestfriend. A display of hurt and heroism kickstarted our mission to provide tangible resources and support to members of our community impacted by varying forms of grief and trauma navigation. Grief is a shared experience across all genders, racial groups, economic classes, and age groups. We believe through community driven workshops, counseling services and accessible funding we can create dynamic change. Our goal is to further educate, empower and support everyone on their ongoing journeys.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

- Helen Keller

Our Mission

Our Mission

We believe community is the most underutilized resource. The HUG Haven's number one mission is to provide support and resources to better assist you on the journey to "H.ealing U.nbearable G.rievances"

Arm Around Shoulder

Our Vision

Through your support, we can provide free workshops, counseling, scholarships and bereavement support to our members and community. Thank you in advance for helping us expand our reach. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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